The Threshing Floor

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Graveyard Rock

According to, Kurt Cobain recently overtook Elvis Presley as the number one moneymaking dead guy. This article explains in more detail. I don't know what the entire significance of this is in the grand scheme of things, other than maybe it shows the "passing of the torch" from a dead boomer icon to a dead X-er icon.

I can't say I was ever a fan of Nirvana, but I remember the whole grunge/alternative rock scene of the early 90's quite fondly. I think the whole ethos of it may have had bigger consequences than we give it credit. It basically showed that people were looking for authenticity above musical perfection, and it reinforced the idea that anyone could become famous. It wasn't because of your training or your expertise that you were valued, it was because you had a unique voice. As a musicians, I understand people who are frustrated at the notion that someone can have very limited skill and make a hit record. But, on the other hand, I love the idea that we all deserve a chance to share our opinion. It's no longer the guru on top of the hill that's showing us the way - now we're all together in the journey.


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