The Threshing Floor

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yeah, that makes perfect sense

OK, I don't usually post about political things, but I couldn't resist this. I saw this ad campaign today from Focus on the Family. It's about the same-sex marriage ballot initiative in Colorado. Now, I think I know what they're trying to say, but I think their logic is a bit stretched. "Because dogs don't moo, you should be against gay marriage", is what I'm seeing. My point isn't about gay marriage; but rather, I think often when Christians say and mean one thing, it is often interpreted as something completely different by everyone else.

By the way, this ad is about dogs marrying cows, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Critique of the Critics

Ironically, I started feeling guilty about not posting in such a long time (see my last post). Also, Jekk, posted so I have to continue the tradition of same-day posting.

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I hate being around other Christians. Sometimes I think that every criticism and stereotype you hear about them is true. Sometimes I think we're all judgemental, petty, and hate-filled (ironic?). Fortunately, these times don't last very long because God has blessed me with some wonderful, kind, and thoughtful Christians in my life that don't fit into these stereotypes and I come to my senses. That being said, there is still a part of me that has an unease about some of the stuff that goes on in the Church.

It seems to me that for every person or movement that comes along with a new idea or way of doing something, they are met with a barrage of criticism. Look at Rick Warren - how many of us (I've been included in this group) write him off as presenting the gospel as a marketing ploy, a get rich-quick scheme, or worse yet, question his motives. Rick Warren is probably one of the first that comes to mind because he has become kind of the target-du-jour for the "Emerging Church" crowd. It works both ways of course. There are people are actively questioning the "Emergents" motives and methods as well. All you have to do is type in the name of one of these pastors into Google and the vile things that come up never cease to amaze me. Now, I know we have to have some level of discernment, but the things I see go far beyond loving concern and go into outright hate. Is is too much too ask that if someone professes Christ as Lord that we have grace enough to trust that God may be leading people in uncharted territory? That maybe questioning isn't denying it's true, but maybe because we dug deeper, in the end it comes out being more true? Maybe we need to focus on loving each other a little more (again, I'm included). It's hard to take criticism, and the natural reaction is to fight rather than turn the other cheek. But maybe, with Christ's help, we can learn to love each other a little more. Right now, though, maybe I'm part of the problem.